For FrSky Ethos 1.4.14 and Above & RealFlight Evolution Simulator (RFE.bin)
Get your own Sim Receiver
Intended for use with FrSky Tandem Series Radios
This model file follows RealFlight's Default Channel Assignments:
Ch1: Aileron
Ch2: Elevator
Ch3: Throttle
Ch4: Rudder
Ch5: Ele./Dual Rates
Ch6: Flaps
Ch7: Smoke
Ch8: Mode
Ch9: Throttle Hold
Ch12: Model Dependent
Ch10 and Ch11 (Can be used for separate Aileron and Rudder Rates in RF) are not implemented in this model.
Ch12 is used for various functions throughout the different models in RealFlight.
Note that the above channel list is IN-GAME channels, in the Controller menu/editor.
The actual channels used in the Mixers in Ethos do not match these 1:1.
Dual Rates: SA
Flaps: SE
Smoke: SF
Mode: SB
Thr Hold: SG
Ch12: SH
You can change the source for each Mixer or reverse the output to customize these channels/switches to your needs.
In addition, some of the 6 momentary buttons on the face of the X18/X20 are used as buttons, similar to the Interlink DX, for Menu navigation.
Left Side:
Top Button: Up
Middle Button: Select
Bottom Button: Down
Right Side:
Top Button: N/A
Middle Button: Cancel
Bottom Button: N/A
Finally, SJ (Right Side Momentary Button on back of the radio) is used for Reset/Rewind.
For instant setup, copy FrSky_XSR-SIM.radioprofile to your /Documents/RealFlight Evolution/Radio Profiles folder, and select one within RealFlight (sim will need to be restarted after installing profile).
You can install the Model Image by copying RFE.png to bitmaps/models in the SD Card or NAND on your radio.